Build A Greenhouse – And Have Fresh Lemons In January

Build A Greenhouse!

If my crazy hippie dad can do it anyone can. Here is the proof.

coldframe greenhousesA new type of double layer A-Frame greenhouse my pa has been experimenting with. Works like a hot damn for extending the growing season and keeps the carrot rust fly off as well. These little A-frame greenhouses were built from salvaged greenhouse plastic and home treated (borax and copper sulphate) mill scraps and so cost maybe $40 each. Not bad when you consider what each head of organic celery costs!

build a greenhouseStill eating fresh celery January 5th 20112!

greenhouse lemons in JanuaryAnd Meyer lemons too! Not bad for 35F (2C) degrees outside!

hothouse lemonsYes there is a bit of scale but that doesn’t stop the lemons from growing.

So don’t wait for food collapse, build a biodome greenhouse and at least supplement your grocery store purchases. Your mind, soul, body, family and world will thank you for it!

Happy 2012 too!


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