This policy is valid from 15 February 2011
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Sasha, by posting to the blog and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can but please be patient because I have many other demands on my time and sometimes don’t get to check my email for several days at a time. This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do insert links where appropriate to the content of the posting that will potentially lead to a commission being paid if a web site visitor chooses to click the link and visit said external website, then chooses to purchase products, information or services from said website. If the customer keeps the product, information or service then it is our understanding that they felt the price, value and terms were acceptable and therefore any remuneration paid to the owner of this blog that would be provided from the original purchase price should not interfere with the customers enjoyment of the original product, information or service. Any potential or actual financial compensation received or imagined may or may not influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog, however please keep in mind, this is a personal blog written and edited for personal reasons, if you have any question, concern or problem, please comment and I will endeavour to work it out with you or you can simply utilize your God given right to look for information somewhere else on the great big internet. Products and information represented on this blog either by link or by graphic may or may not always be identified as being one that will directly benefit the blog owner through commissions paid after a successful sales transaction by you and the website owner that the link pointed to mediated by ClickBank the worlds largest and most trusted vendor of digital products. The owner of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics through the sharing of net proceeds of successful sales made after (either directly or later) viewing free information provided by this blog. Even though the owner of this blog may (if you like the information,choose to visit an external site, like the information found there, choose to purchase a product, service or information from said external site) or may not receive compensation for completed sales that may or may not have been influenced our our posts or advertisements via commissions from successful sales, we will do our best to provide factual, honest, personal information, ideas, tips and techniques that can be taken to be of direct benefit to you the web visitor, therefore you my friend, can in fair exchange for information, tips, techniques or how-to’s found on this blog understand and accept that this is part of what I do to support my family and if you object the thoughts, opinions, videos, pictures, or experiences displayed and discussed on those topics or products then please find an alternative source for free information about whatever you were searching for. As always the views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own and should not be construed to be an edorsement of any product, service, information or any other thing you may or may not purchase after visiting my blog. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product, information or service should be verified by you with the manufacturer, provider or party in question; caveat emptor as in all things applies here. All information, products, services provided by external links found on this blog come with an iron clad, no questions asked, ninety day, one hundred percent money back guarantee and in most cases even if you claim the full refund available to you for any reason you get to keep the information. So I hope you are now clear and have been well educated as to the nature of this blog, the potential for some small benefit coming my way after a very large benefit comes your way (if you chose to actually buy something after clicking on a link in one of my personal posts). In fact isn’t that how nature works in the real world, everything working together and everything growing together, so have fun, enjoy the free content, tips, techniques, reviews, pictures, videos and any other thing I may decide to blog about. And remember this blog may or may not contain content which might or might not present a conflict of interest depending on how certain ambiguous rulings, statutes and regulations governing what you and I as free internet citizens can or can not see, talk about, read, share, disseminate are interpreted; this content may not always be identified either. Thank you very much for reading to the end now enjoy the free content and if you click any links remember I may get some compensation if you think enough of whatever you found when you clicked the link to actually buy it. Sounds fair to me.
P.S. Kacper is my friend and if you choose to buy his book on how to build your own geodesic greenhouse, grow your own organic food, become more food secure, have a better life and peace of mind all the while saving thousands of dollars off the price of a commercial dome kit after clicking on a link on my blog, just remember I will be paid a commission from ClickBank out of your purchase price (at no added cost to you) and if you don’t like the book for any reason you can simply return it for a 100% refund. If you don’t believe me go to ClickBank and check the refund policy. I also wrote an eBook on how to attract your perfect life partner to help you build your dome and grow your food in it after you build it and I have the odd refund which, even if I completely ignore it (which I don’t) is automatically debited from my account without any way for me to stop it. So click the link, read Kacper’s story and if you like what you hear buy the book, build your own dome, save thousands grow amazing food, eat it then come back and tell us all about it here.
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