Biodynamic Farming Using Geodesic Greenhouses

Biodynamic Farming Using Geodesic Greenhouses

First of all what is Biodynamic farming? Simply put, it is a farming technique that extends organic agriculture by treating the whole farm, whether indoors in a greenhouse or out in the fields as a complete interdependent system.

Interestingly, it has been formally organized by its adherents for far longer than the organic movement. The single biggest  idea in biodynamic farming is that the farm is a living, interconnected system, and that farmers should foster those connections, build complexity, and encourage natural cycles.

Started by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher, it was popularized in a series of lectures in the ’20s. In his work Steiner laid the foundation for modern biodynamic farming, as he was concerned with the direction of commercial agriculture even then.

Even though it has proven to be incredibly efficient biodynamics has not been widely used, that being said, there are more and more biodynamic farms of varying sizes springing up all over the earth. In fact many biodynamic farms are officially certified through Demeter International, a not for profit ecological association.

The ideas behind biodynamic principles are familiar to organic farmers: the use of cover crops to improve the soil, the concept of letting land rest or the idea that farms should have a low ecological impact. All biodynamic farming uses composting, natural organic fertilizers, and a focus on living in harmony with natural systems.

Biodynamic Greenhouse Gardening

The idea that the farm should be a self contained organism is a very important feature of biodynamic greenhouse farming. In fact each greenhouse could be seen as a cell in the body of the farm. Because it is so much simpler to control the environment inside a geodesic greenhouse it is a perfect fit for the biodynamic gardener.

Basically a biodynamically organized farm functions like a living organism. For example, grazing animals and birds eat weeds and fertilize, while compost is made from leftover plant material is scattered on the fields to renew the soil. Seed saving is critical and seeds are saved from the crops of the year before. Because biodynamic greenhouse farm is as close to a closed system as possible with one system providing nutrient for the next, it is possible to radically reduce the cost of biodynamic farming, while minimizing the ecological footprint of the farm at the same time.

Dome Greenhouse Gardening Biodynamically

Because the produce and other products that come from biodynamic farming are of a very high quality crops from certified biodynamic farms, especially commodities like wine, tend to draw a much higher price than conventional and organic counterparts. So if you are thinking of starting a food growing operation or simply have extra to sell from you geodesic greenhouse, consider using biodynamic methods, as it will be healthier for you and your wallet!

In fact, you may even be able to join a community supported agriculture cooperative as many are organized around biodynamic farming principles. Also if you hear of a farmer who is using these methods go visit them! Most biodynamic farmers enjoy giving tours of the land under their care to people who are interested.

So whether you are farming in a geodesic greenhouse or on the hills behind your house consider using biodynamic methods to improve your crops quality, reduce your costs and be lighter on the earth at the same time!

Interested in learning more from one of the best growers I know? Check out Biodynamic Farming Secrets right now.

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2 Responses to Biodynamic Farming Using Geodesic Greenhouses

  1. Pingback: GeodesicGreenHouse by predrax - Pearltrees

    • admin says:

      Thanks for the pointer on the biodynamic idea.

      I fully support it and by using aquaponics, fish, chickens and rabbits you can get a whole ecosystem going in your biodome!

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